Purebred Nubian doe
Registration #N001440225
DOB: 04/11/2008
Deceased: 11/28/2020
Sire: *B Starcrosst Gabriel
Dam: SG Lynnhaven SAH Galathea 1*M,
LA: 05-00 VG88 VEEV
Genetic Information
DNA Typed, Dam Verified
G6S: Normal (N/N)
Scrapie Variant: NS/QQ
Shekinah has strong “milking” and “show ring” bloodlines behind her – including 3 ELITE BUCKS:
++*B SGCH Kismet Marvins Smooth Operator,
++*B SGCH Hallcienda Frosty Marvin, and
+*B SGCH H-Homestead Spotted Elk
She is long bodied, has nice leg placement and angulation. I really like how solid and long her body is, her ears are an improvement over her dam’s, as they go over an inch past her nose. She has a nice roman nose, and she is really smart, plus she’s very friendly and easy to work with. She excels in Dairy strength and was very good in Front and Rear Legs, Feet, Back, Rump, Udder Texture, General Appearance, Body Capacity, and Mammary. Shekinah is Galathea’s 2008 daughter. We are so pleased with her dam that we retained Shekinah for our herd, and we are so glad we did!
She is so much like her half sister, Sonador, that I have to look closely at times to tell them apart.
Shekinah tests negative (that is GOOD) for CAE, CL, Johne’s, Brucellosis, and Q-Fever. We test annually for CAE.

Click here to see a YouTube video of ShekinahGlory (aka “Peach”) taken June 17th, 2011. She is full of milk in this one, but the video is jerky.
Click here to see a YouTube video of ShekinahGlory (aka “Peach”) taken June 17th, 2011. She is milked out in this one, the video is steady though. 😉
Awards Earned
2010: Shekinah was awarded her *M (milk star) in all three categories (Milk, butterfat and Protein) her first time on DHIR, she earned this honor on her 11/04/2010 milk test! This allows her bucklings to be *B, as long as their sire qualifies!! 😀
She was #6 on the 2010 Michigan DHIA Honor Roll. 🙂
2011: She was #6 on the 2011 Michigan DHIA Honor Roll. 🙂
2012: Shekinah is #2 in Milk, Butterfat and Protein on the 2013 Michigan DHIA Honor Roll.
Shekinah was awarded her Superior Genetics (SG) on September 26th, 2013!

Shekinah’s past kids:
2009: Singled. Buckling, Land of Havilah LSG Jet. (sold)
2010: Triplets. 2 does: Land of Havilah LSG Tikvah (sold); Land of Havilah LSG Tipharah 3*M (sold); and 1 buckling: Land of Havilah LSG L’Chaim (sold)
2011: Singled. Buckling, Land of Havilah LSG Faramir (sold).
2012: Triplets. 2 does: “Land of Havilah ESG Mist” (sold); “Land of Havilah ESG Aurora” (retained); and 1 buckling: *B Land of Havilah ESG Lightning (sold)
2013: Singled. Buckling, *B Land of Havilah ATL Triumph (retained) (AI breeding) Sire: CH *B Wingwood Farm Finding Atlantis)
2014: Triplets. Buckling, *B Land of Havilah RCSG Supernova (sold); Buckling, *B Land of Havilah Sedar Pesach (sold); Doeling, Land of Havilah RCSG Zoe (retained). Sire: *B BlissBerry Rock the Casbah.
2015: Twins. Buckling & doeling. Born in the barn without our knowledge on a very cold night in March. When we found them during morning chores, they were already dead and very cold. 🙁 Sire was bred to +B Ain-Ash-Shams G Misha