These are the kids that were born on our farm this year. If they are available for sale, I will note that in their section along with the price.
Our entire herd is G6S Normal
See more pics and info on our Facebook page.
*B Land of Havilah ATL Triumph DOB: 03/03/2013 (8# at birth) Registration #N001625922 Sire (AI): SGCH +*B Wingwood Farm Finding Atlantis Dam: Land of Havilah ShekinahGlory 2*M G6S Normal by parentage (above) Triumph – almost 4 months old (taken 06/28/2013) 70#, approx. 26″ at withers _________________________________________________________________________________________ (above) Triumph at around 2 1/2 months old (May 21st, 2013) He weighed 53# last week. _____________________________________________ (above) Pics taken on May 1st, he will be 2 months old in two days. He weighs 45#. ________________________________________________________________________________ (above) Triumph at 3 days old with his buddy, Beka!
RETAINED for our herd Triumph is the result of our AI adventure this year, and he is everything I hoped for and more! Atlantis greatly improved breed character ears, and I think he also moved the thurls higher and forward. A big thanks to you to my dear friend Sarah W., and Atlantis’ owner, Holly of Hoanbu Dairy Goats, for making this possible for us this year! Thank you God for causing the genetics we needed to mesh so well, and for the inspiration for this boys name: “Thanks be to God who always causes us to triumph through Our Lord, Jesus Christ!” Click here to view Triumph’s page
Sonador’s triplets, 2 girls and 1 boyDOB: May 2nd, 2013
Sire: *B BlissBerry CR McDreamy Dam: SG Land of Havilah Sonador *M G6S Normal by parentage These kids are from a fantastic cross between our Sonador (#1 2011 & 2012 ADGA Top Ten Breed Leader in all 3 categories – milk, butterfat, and protein – as a Recorded Grade Nubian), and *B BlissBerry CR McDreamy (son of SGCH BlissBerry R Rockin’ Robin 2*M – ELITE Doe, and 2006, 2007, and 2010 ADGA Top Ten Breed Leader Nubian, click here to go to McDreamy’s page the for an exact breakdown of Robin’s placings). They should bring MILK to the table! They are exceptionally wide in the muzzle, I’m so pleased with them!! The buckling “So Dreamy”, (named in memory of his sweet sire), the doelings are both retained until after our Linear Appraisal in September. ______________________________________________________________________________________ Doeling #1: “Land of Havilah MDS Daydream” Registration #GN1640016 Retained for our Herd Little Miss Daydream is always on the go, and these pix were a gift from the little wiggle worm, at least they were the best we could hope for at the moment! LOL! (above) Daydream – almost 2 months old (taken 06/28/2013) 33# _______________________________________________________________________________ (above) Pix taken on May 21st, 2013 _______________________________________________________________________________ Buckling: “So Dreamy” For Sale (Sold) (above) Pix taken May 21st, 2013 ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Doeling #2: “Land of Havilah MDS Hope&Dream” Registration #GN1640017 Retained for our Herd (above) Hope&Dream – almost 2 months old (taken 06/28/2013) 37# ______________________________________________________ (above) Pix taken on May 21st, 2013 ______________________________________________________________________________________ Brown & white doeling “Land of Havilah MDS Daydream” (back right hand side) Black & white doeling “Land of Havilah MDS Hope&Dream” (back left hand side) Black & white buckling “So Dreamy” (center) At just a few hours old
Liberty’s single doeling
DOB: May 13th, 2013 Sire: *B Land of Havilah LG Shadow Dam: SG Land of Havilah DreamOfLiberty 2*M G6S Normal by parentage SOLD (above) Pontiac – 2 weeks old (taken 6/28/2013)