
Au Natural Kit – an excellent starter kit for Newbies to Natural Raising

From: Original price was: $223.44.Current price is: $212.51.

New to natural raising?  Want to take the plunge, but not sure to have on hand??  Then “Au Naturel” is the kit for you!

Items included in this kit:

  • Herbamins powder 16 oz
  • Herbamins Extract
  • Parasite Formula
  • GI Back on Tract
  • Guardian Powder
  • Guardian Extract
  • Access to free online classes for all the products listed above

Optional Items. There are lots of optional items that you can add by checking the box under the description of each product.

Looking for your free class? Visit our Instructions page.


Herbamins powder 16 oz (vitamin & mineral supplement)

Herbamins is a naturally balanced 100% whole food vitamin & mineral supplement. This mix includes herbs that supply copper and selenium.

Original price was: $43.00.Current price is: $42.14.

678 in stock

Herbamins Extract (vitamin & mineral supplement)

Herbamins Extract. This is great for newborns or for creatures that need nutrients very, very quickly, and/or when their digestion is not working up to par.

Original price was: $26.44.Current price is: $19.45.

126 in stock

Parasite Formula 16 oz

Land of Havilah (LOH) Parasite Formula. It is very important to address parasites in your herd.

GI Back on Tract 16 oz (Digestive system support)

GI Back on Tract mix. We use this during digestive issues to relieve gas and promote proper digestion as well as absorb toxins in the digestive tract and safely remove them from the body.

Original price was: $34.00.Current price is: $33.32. each

591 in stock

Guardian Powder 16 oz. (for immune system challenges)

This is a great support to the body during "immune system challenges" and a must have in your natural arsenal! We use this powder instead of the Infection (INF) Formula - is is much more affordable and can be safely used for any species! (INF has Black Walnut in it and we can't use it for the equine or camelid species.)

Original price was: $50.00.Current price is: $49.00. each

122 in stock

Guardian Extract 4 oz (for immune system challenges)

This is a tincture that I will never be without. It may be used both internally and externally. I've used it with great success for hoof rot, staph infection on the skin, and I love it as an umbilical cord spray for newborns and a teat spray for my milkers! We use this extract instead of X-Ceptic Extract - it can be used the same way and is more affordable!

Thorvin Kelp for Animals - Granules - per pound

I use this as a base to mix herbs into so that I can offer them in a free choice manner.

Cayenne Pepper Extract (40,000 hu) 2 oz

Cayenne extract. This is very handy in emergencies. It supports good circulation and the heart. VERY helpful to stop bleeding. Can be used internally and externally. I also have a 1 oz option available in this kit.

Herbal Calcium Formula extract

This is excellent for emergencies when fast and easy access to calcium is needed.

Cayenne Pepper Extract (40,000 h.u.) 1 oz

Cayenne extract. This is very handy in emergencies. It supports good circulation and the heart. VERY helpful to stop bleeding. Can be used internally and externally. I also have a 2 oz option available in this kit.

Cayenne 40,000 hu

Cayenne powder. This is also very helpful in emergencies. I put it on wounds to stop bleeding.

BF&C Formula - 16 oz (BF&C w/ Comfrey)

BF&C Formula. This is an amazing formula for broken bones, nerve damage, and even minor injuries. Pair it with Herbamins Powder for best results.

Super Garlic Immune Formula extract

Super Garlic Immune extract. I use this for infections when there is a fever involved. It is great to have on hand for emergencies!


Mullein. We use this to support the mammary during any issues with that area. It is also a great support to the endocrine system.

Lobelia inflata

Lobelia. We use this in combination with Mullein to support the mammary during any issues with that area.

Lobelia inflata extract

Lobelia extract/tincture. I will never, ever be without this it is an excellent support to have on hand! Use in any emergency! If you don't know what else to do, grab the Lobelia extract/tincture!

Echinacea angustifolia extract

Echinacea tincture. This is for bites and stings, it is especially useful for venomous bites and stings. We want to protect the integrity of the cells after a bite, so I use this internally.

Stings & Bites (Plantain) Ointment

Stings & Bites Ointment. Place on the sting/bites site and cover with a bandaid. Definitely use this if the bite/sting was venomous! This is Plantain ointment, so we can use it on puncture wounds as well.

Echinacea & Goldenseal extract

Echinacea & Goldenseal extract. These are both from the root. We use this for digestive issues to support the immune system while it brings the friendly flora back into balance.

In stock


You will be given a link to access the free online classes after checkout (see your Order Confirmation Email), or check the Instructions page after checkout. As always, please feel free to contact us for assistance with any products that you purchase through our store.

Additional information

Parasite Formula 16 oz

Formula Choice:

Regular Formula, Equine & Camelid Formula

Guardian Extract 4 oz (for immune system challenges)

Choose options:

Extract with black cap only, Extract with dropper, Extract with sprayer, Extract with dropper and sprayer

Thorvin Kelp for Animals - Granules - per pound


Kelp Granules, Kelp Granules, Kelp Granules, Kelp Granules (Organic), Kelp Granules (Organic), Kelp Granules (Organic)


16 oz., 4 oz., 8 oz., 16 oz., 4 oz., 8 oz.

Cayenne Pepper Extract (40,000 hu) 2 oz


Cayenne Pepper Extract (40,000 H.U.)


2 oz.

Herbal Calcium Formula extract


Herbal Calcium Extract


2 oz.

Cayenne 40,000 hu


Cayenne Pepper Powder (40,000 H.U.), Cayenne Pepper Powder (40,000 H.U.), Cayenne Pepper Powder (40,000 H.U.)


16 oz., 4 oz., 16 oz., 4 oz.

BF&C Formula - 16 oz (BF&C w/ Comfrey)


BF&C Powder

Super Garlic Immune Formula extract


Super Garlic Immune Extract


2 oz.



Mullein Leaf Cut, Mullein Leaf Cut, Mullein Leaf Cut, Mullein Leaf Powder, Mullein Leaf Powder, Mullein Leaf Powder


16 oz., 4 oz., 16 oz., 4 oz., 16 oz., 4 oz., 16 oz., 4 oz.

Lobelia inflata


Lobelia Herb Cut, Lobelia Herb Cut, Lobelia Herb Cut, Lobelia Herb Powder, Lobelia Herb Powder, Lobelia Herb Powder


16 oz., 4 oz., 16 oz., 4 oz., 16 oz., 4 oz., 16 oz., 4 oz.

Lobelia inflata extract


Lobelia Herb Vinegar Extract, Lobelia Herb Alcohol Extract


1 oz., 1 oz.

Echinacea angustifolia extract


Echinacea Angustifolia Root Glycerine Extract, Echinacea Angustifolia Root Alcohol Extract


2 oz., 2 oz.

Stings & Bites (Plantain) Ointment


Stings & Bites Ointment


2 oz.

Echinacea & Goldenseal extract


Echinacea & Goldenseal Extract (alcohol base)


1 oz.


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