Page last updated on December 6, 2022

REGISTERED AND TRANSFERRED. When you pickup your kid, I file registration applications online on the ADGA website and transfer your kid into your name. That cost is included in your purchase price. I figure if someone is paying for a registered kid, then they shouldn’t have to jump through any hoops and pay more money for the animal to actually get registered.
All sales are final. We practice strict biosecurity with our herd, which means that when an animal leaves our farm it cannot be returned to us for ANY reason. Please inspect animals thoroughly to ensure that you are satisfied before taking them off our farm. When you visit, please refrain from wearing your regular barn boots and barn outerwear. Please wear clean footwear and clean coats/pants/outerwear that have not recently been worn in any barn or around any other animals. You will NOT be permitted inside the pens with the animals at any time. We will bring the animal(s) that you may be interested in out of the pen for your closer inspection. Thank you for understanding!
ADGA Plus herd (DHIR, LA, DNA)
Our entire herd is G6S Normal by direct test or by parentage.
Tested CAE, CL, Johne’s, Brucellosis, and Q-Fever Negative (that is good) herd – See our test results at this link. Closed herd.
We are sold out for the 2022 kidding season. Please visit our Kidding Schedule page to see the reservations that we have available for the 2023 kidding season. We have SO many exciting breedings planned!!!
Ebony x Midas buckling. LOH/P13. Born April 10, 2022. Red roan with white. This buckling has his *B designation. Ebony earned her 4*M in all three categories, earned her Superior Genetics designation (within the top 15% of her breed), and she appraised at VG84 as a first freshener in 2019. You can see what nice straight front legs and feet he has. His front legs are straight from the front and the side. Beautiful head with both a nice roan nose and nice depth of jaw, long bell-shaped ears, but I’d like to see his ears set a bit lower. Nice blending from neck into withers. Nice chest floor and brisket extension. Very nice width throughout his body. Very nice, wide, arched escutcheon. Rear legs have very nice angulation and are straight from behind. He was very patient while we took his pictures and allowed me to set his feet without too much trouble and he was good while I trimmed his hooves. He is skittish when you try to catch him, but is good after you get him. $700 includes ADGA registration and transfer to buyer. SOLD

Lilly x Midas buckling. LOH/P5. Born March 17, 2022. Red roan with white. This buckling has his *B designation. Lilly earned her 4*M in all three categories and appraised at VG85 as a first freshener. This buckling is a full brother to our gorgeous herdsire, *B Land of Havilah ML Galaxy. I got a few pix of him on the milk stand after I trimmed his hooves. He wasn’t comfortable up there and was standing hunchy as a result. You can see what nice legs and feet he has. Beautiful head, long bell-shaped ears. Nice blending from neck into withers. Nice chest floor and brisket extension. Very nice width throughout his body. Very nice, wide, arched escutcheon. Rear legs have very nice angulation and are straight from behind. He was very calm and stood nicely for me while I trimmed his hooves and tattooed him. He is skittish when you try to catch him, but is good after you get him. $650 includes ADGA registration and transfer to buyer. SOLD.

Please see our Reservation page to reserve your Land of Havilah kid
Click here to see pics and info about our past goat kids. 🙂
Sales & Herd Health Info:
Our herd tests negative for CAE, CL, Johne’s, Brucellosis, and Q-Fever. In addition to testing Negative, our herd is and always has been CL abscess free, and we have never had any signs of Johne’s. We test annually for CAE. See our test results at this link.
Our entire herd is G6S Normal, either by direct blood test or by parentage.
We participate in DHIR (official Milk Test), and ADGA’s Linear Appraisal. We hope to continue these programs every year.
Discounts are available for herds currently on ADGA’s DHIR (official Milk Test) program.
We run a Closed Herd – our goats do not leave our property & we do not offer Buck Service. We also practice strict biosecurity when visitors come to our farm. NOTE: We opened the herd for 2013 to bring in new bloodlines, this does not include opening our bucks for Stud Service.
Contact us for pricing. Prices for kids include my raising them until they are 8 weeks old. This gives them the best start possible for a healthy and productive life.
Purchase information – 1/2 down will hold the kid of your choice until they can be picked up at 8 weeks old. At that point (pickup of kid), the remaining 1/2 is due in cash. We will sit down together and register your kid online at time of pickup, if the kid you choose is offered for sale with papers.
* Price includes raising the kid(s) up to 8 weeks old, then the price will rise. I insist on raising the kids on our farm until they are 8 weeks old to give them the best start possible. I can normally keep them longer, but there would be an additional boarding fee to cover costs.
On Hold: means that an animal has been selected and that payment is supposed to be on the way to us. We allow 7 calendar days for a payment to reach us if coming from out of state, 4 calendar days in state. If payment has not been received by that time the animal is released for sale. We prefer PayPal payments to avoid this issue, buyer is responsible for all PayPal fees.
Sale Pending: means payment has been received, but kid is still on the farm pending shipment/pick up.
Sale Pending on Reservation: means that the kid was reserved under our Reservation Program. See current “Reservation” page
Sold: means that kid has left our hands to its new owner.
Reservation Information & Conditions to buy a kid from us:
Deposit: $100 deposit to reserve a kid out of any of our Does. Deposits from cancellations are not refundable. If the kid you reserved is born, and you decide not to complete the purchase, the deposit is not refundable or transferable.
PayPal: We now accept PayPal, provided the Buyer pays the fees. Please contact us to make arrangements.
Reservation Pending: This means that someone has contacted me and has said they are sending payment to hold a certain kid from a certain breeding. I will keep this code in place for 3 days, after that it will be removed if payment has not been received within that time and there has been no further contact with me in the meantime.
Reserved: This means that I have received payment to hold a certain kid from a certain breeding.
Information Needed to Reserve a Kid: In order to be places on a Doe’s reservation list, please contact me with your name, address, phone number and email address, along with the name of the Doe you wish to reserve a kid from, and the gender (buckling or doeling) of the kid you desire.
“First Choice” Reservations: When that kid is born from your Doe of choice, this is a first come first serve basis, first reservation gets *first choice kid. *We reserve the right to select any necessary animals for our own herd.
Payment specifics: Upon the birth of your reserved kid, half down (minus your $100 deposit) is due and payable at that time. (Non-payment within one week of birth will culminate in the forfeiture of your deposit and the kid may be offered for sale to another interested party.) The remaining half being due and payable in cash when the kid is 8 weeks old, or at the pickup of said kid (if before the kid is 8 weeks old). If the kid takes a bottle as well as being raised by their dam, it MAY be possible to purchase and pick them up before they turn 8 weeks old. If you are picking up your kid at the time of the final payment, cash is the only form of payment acceptable.
Registered Bucklings: I only register bucklings that meet my standards. If they do not, I will return your deposit. Only good quality bucklings will be allowed the privilege of carrying our herd name.
Pricing of Kids: Prices of unborn kids WILL go up after birth. This DOES NOT include anyone who has a reservation, so reserve a kid out of the doe of your choice now! 🙂 This price increase DOES apply to anyone on the waiting list. Reservations have their perks. 😉
Boarding Fee: Kids should be picked up by eight weeks of age. A $10 per day boarding fee will be charged after that time if no prior arrangements have been made ($5 per day applies when prior arrangements have been made.) Many times, I am able to keep them till they are 12 weeks old. This is especially true if you do not have access to goat milk to feed them. 🙂 I love these kids and want them to get an awesome start and be a blessing to your life. This is the foundation of their entire life.
Non-payment: Animals that remain unpaid for after eight weeks old (unless special arrangements have been made prior to that time), may be resold to another buyer and any money paid will be forfeit.
Buyer Responsibility Specifics: PayPal fees, health papers, blood tests requested by buyers, kennel needed and transport are the financial responsibilities of the buyer.
Buck (or Buckling) Breeding/AI Requirement: We require conventional breeding or semen for AI be made available to us from any buck we sell at the cost of collection.
Kidding Season: I fully intend to allow my does to raise their own kids every year, as that provides you with the healthiest kids possible, in my opinion. Our kids also take a bottle. Our herd has tested negative for CAE, CL, Johne’s and Brucella. We test annually for CAE. See our test results at this link.
Thank you for your interest in Land of Havilah Farm. If you have any questions or comments, please contact us. If you do not hear back from me within 1 or 2 days, then I did not receive your email, please try again.
– Kristie Miller, MH, CA
Land of Havilah Farm Nubians