Purebred Nubian doe
ADGA Genetics link: N001901667
ADGA Registration #PN1901667
ADGA awards: 1*M, AR
AGS Registration #N-60729
AGS awards: 1*D
VGL Case #ADG14681
DOB: 04/03/2017
Sire: +B Ain-Ash-Shams G Misha, LA: 02-03 EX90 EVE (2013)
Dam: Land of Havilah TA Victory
Genetic Information
DNA Typed, Parent Verified
G6S: Normal (N/N)
Alpha S1 Casein: A/N
Scrapie Variant: NN/QQ
Glory’s Progeny in our Herd
Glory is a gorgeous doe with so many fantastic qualities! She has the softest udder texture that I have ever encountered (and 6 out of 7 of our does scored an Excellent in Udder Texture at our 2019 Linear Appraisal!) We are so pleased with Glory that we just had to keep her 2019 daughter, Starburst!
In 2019, Glory scored Excellent in Udder Texture, Rear Legs, and Dairy Strength; and Very Good in Head, Shoulder Assembly, Front Legs, Feet, Rump, General Appearance, and Body Capacity. (LA: September 14, 2019)
In 2022, Glory scored Excellent in Back, General Appearance, and Body (capacity); and Very Good in Shoulder Assembly, Front Legs, Rear Legs, and Dairy Strength. (LA: September 20, 2022)
Linear Appraisal Scores
2019: 02-05 VG85 VEV+ (First Freshener)
2022: 05-05 VG85 EVE+ (at 497 days in milk)
DHIR (milk test) Results
Year | Age | DIM | Milk # | Fat % | Fat # | Protein % | Protein # |
2019 | 1-11 Ext | 305 354 | 2385# 2562# | 6.7% 6.6% | 159# 168# | 4.4% 4.4% | 105# 112# |
2020 | 3-01 | 228 | 1850# | 5.4% | 99# | 4.4% | 82# |
2021 | 4-01 Ext | 305 606 | 3002# 4469# | 4.1% 4.8% | 124# 216# | 3.5% 3.7% | 106# 166# |
Herd #34-00-5007. Index #20.
Updated: 01/23/2023
* In Progress
Glory earned her 1*M designation as a First Freshener in 2019.
She earned her *M in all three categories in 2019. She is an AR (Advanced Registry) doe and all her bucklings will have their *B designation as long as their sire is a *B or +B.

To view Glory’s ADGA pedigree, click here

Glory’s sire is +B Ain-Ash-Shams G Misha, EX90 EVE.
Misha excels in General Appearance, Body Capacity, Head, and Back. He is Very Good in Shoulder Assembly, Rear Legs, Rump, and Dairy Strength.
Misha throws great substance of bone, and gorgeous breed character. His daughters have lovely mammaries and beautiful udder texture.

Glory’s dam is Land of Havilah TA Victory. She is out of Aurora, who is a powerhouse milker! We sold Victory and kept Glory due to her greater width and substance of bone. Unfortunately, Tori was badly injured at her new home and passed away due to the extent of her injuries. 🙁 Tori wasn’t on milk test long enough to earn her *M, so Glory is starting out back at the beginning as a 1*M.

Disease Test Results
Please visit our Biosecurity Test Results page to see our herdwide test results back to 2006.
Genetic Test Results

Here are the official test results straight from the lab. You can verify them yourself by clicking this link and inputting the case and report # (found in the pdf’s) to see the reports on the UC Davis (VGL) site.
Pictures of Glory