NES miHealth Pro PEMF Device


The NES miHealth Pro (this is the Professional model) is a powerful handheld PEMF (pulsed electromagnetic field) biofeedback device that is non-invasive and effective for reducing stress, releasing and re-educating energy flow, muscles, nerves, organs and areas of the body. As stress is released, energy can flow properly and the body starts to heal itself.

Purchase of the miHealth includes:

  • NES miHealth Pro with over 200 functions – $4400 value!
  • FREE Scan and Consultation – $175 value!
  • FREE unlimited access to our exclusive On Demand style online class which provides both basic and advanced training – $5oo value!
  • FREE miHealth Functions (Physical, Mind, Energy, EMF Protection) PDF – $19.99 value!
  • FREE General Function Protocols PDF – $19.99 value!
  • FREE Focus Function Protocols PDF – $19.99 value!


PLEASE NOTE: The NES miHealth Pro device is NOT required to get a NES BioEnergetiX scan. The miHealth Pro is used when you meet me for a scan In-Person (Remote scans don’t have the option to use it without having their own miHealth device). This device is “stand alone” (can be used without the scan). However, there IS information in the scan that allows you to use the miHealth even more effectively. I offer the miHealth Pro to you, since it is such a valuable tool to have on hand. This is exactly what I paid for my miHealth Pro device and I can tell you that I have never ever regretted my purchase, I still think it was worth every penny – this device is absolutely amazing!

The NES miHealth Pro is a powerful hand-held PEMF (pulsed electromagnetic field) biofeedback device that is non-invasive and effective for reducing stress, releasing and re-educating energy flow, muscles, nerves, organs and areas of the body. As stress is released, energy can flow properly and the body starts to heal itself.

The price of the unit includes on demand, unlimited access to online class training in how to use it effectively. After Checkout, you will immediately be given instructions on how to access to training with Kristie which includes videos, pdf’s, and more. (Please see your email order confirmation for the link.) Your purchase of the miHealth Pro device also includes a free scan and consultation (a $175 value) to help teach you how to use the miHealth device in combination with a scan. The scan is scheduled upon the completion of our online training. 

The following video is how a veterinarian uses the NES Scan and miHealth in his practice:

How the NES miHealth Pro works:

miHealth Pro helps to retrain your body’s own healing system by communicating specifically with the parts of the body with which it is in contact. The device does this primarily by sending gentle electrical signals, to the spot it is in contact with, and then “listening” to the body’s response from those signals. Bioelectric biofeedback therapy is known to help reduce stress and re-educate parts of the body and mind to healthier patterns which can lead to a better quality of life.

The goal is to get your body’s energy flow back to operating with maximum efficiency. Because the body can easily get trained into “patterns” where the energy becomes sluggish or stuck, rejuvenating the body’s energy flow is critical — as it releases stuck patterns which clear the way for the body’s own healing system to take over.

The DVM diagnosed severe laminitis, which the pony acquired years ago. This is just before the veterinarian performed a miHealth session according to the recommendations shown on the NES (aka BioEnergetiX) scan:

This is one week after the first miHealth session: