- Disease tested negative herd (CAE, CL, Johne’s, Brucellosis, and Q-Fever). We have tested annually since March 2006, and started our herd in November of 2005. See our test results here.
- G6S Normal herd & published on each animal’s page
- Alpha S1 Casein results published on each animal’s page
- Scrapie [Resistance] Variant tested & results provided each animal’s page
- Closed herd
- Artificial Insemination used to bring in new bloodlines from top sires
- Biosecurity practices used
- Our herd is dual registered with ADGA (American Dairy Goat Association) and AGS (American Goat Society)
- ADGA Plus herd
- Participate in DHIR (official milk test)
- Participate in Linear Appraisal
- DNA typed & on file with ADGA
- Elite, Superior Genetics (SG), Advanced Registry (AR), and *M does
- Holistically raised by our Certified Master Herbalist
- Show and production lines
Nubian Does

Herd Sires

For Sale
Kidding Schedule
Reference Nubians
We are proud members of: American Dairy Goat Association American Goat Society Michigan Dairy Goat Society International Nubian Breeders Association | ![]() Our herd is a part of the ADGA Plus program, which combines Linear Appraisal, DHIR, and |
CAE, CL, Johne’s, Q-Fever, & Brucella: See our test results here. Our herd has tested NEGATIVE (that’s good) for the following diseases: CAE (Caprine Arthritis Encephalitis virus), CL (Caseous lymphadenitis), Johne’s Disease (Paratuberculosis), Q-Fever, and Brucella. We test annually for CAE. In addition to Negative test results, our herd is and always has been abscess free, and we have never had any signs of Johne’s. Our herd is Closed and our animals do not leave the property unless they require emergency care of a DVM or I feel they require chiropractic care and those professionals (DVM or chiropractor) are not available for a Farm Call. We do not allow visitors to access to our pasture/barn area.

Our entire herd is G6S Normal, either by direct blood test (through TVMDL on 06/09/2011; & October/November 2013 for Carolina and Misha) or by parentage.
Click here for more information about our Herd Health Practices.