***ELITE DOE*** (2024)
Purebred Nubian doe
ADGA Genetics link: N001901427
ADGA Registration #PN1901427
ADGA Awards: 3*M, AR
AGS Registration #N-60904
AGS Awards: 3*D
VGL Case #AGS220
DOB: 4/09/2017
Sire: SGCH ++*B J&R Spirit’s HT-K Kaitai **Elite Buck**
LA: 03-03 EX91 EEE
Dam: SG Land of Havilah ShekinahGlory 2*M
LA: 06-02 VG88 VEVV
Genetic Information
DNA Typed, Parent Verified
G6S: Normal (N/N)
Alpha S1 Casein: A/B
Scrapie Variant: NN/QQ
Tricity is littermate sister to Ecstatic. She was in an unofficial lease to another herd from 2017 up until 2022. We jumped at the opportunity to have her rejoin our herd in June 2022! She is an AI breeding out of our ShekinahGlory and the absolutely amazing *Elite Buck*, SGCH +*B J&R Spirit’s HT-K Kaitai! I chose Kaitai in the hopes of adding width and stacking more production.
Tricity’s Progeny in our Herd
ADGA Linear Appraisal Scores
2023: 84 GGGG (6 year old, second freshener)
2024: VG87 GVVV (7 year old, third freshener)
2023: Tricity has only freshened twice so far, which impacts her depth and body capacity. She scored Very Good in Front Legs and Rump. She looks very immature for her age. We will get a better idea of what she is capable of after she completes this lactation and freshens again.
2024: Tricity scored Very Good in Head, Back, Dairy Strength, Body Capacity, and Mammary System. The appraiser said that as a 7 year old doe, her mammary is Excellent, but he couldn’t give her that score with only 3 lactations at this point.
AGS Classification Scores
We also participate in the American Goat Society’s Classification program. In classification, an animal is given a final percentage score based on 100 being perfect. In addition, each area of the animal is evaluated and assigned points based on how close that part comes to being ideal. For example, if an animal is given four (4) points out of the allotted five (5) on teats, that is 80%, and the owner knows that the teats on that animal are only 80% of the ideal. The Classifier inputs the score of each area of the body into an app on their phone. After they finish, the program calculates the final score, which the Classifier tells you right away. AGS sends you the score breakdown via email within a day or two, but I had my score breakdown much faster than that. The following pdf is the score breakdown.
2023: Very Good (VG) 88.4 (6 year old, second freshener)
DHIR (Milk Test) Results
Year | Age | DIM | Milk # | Fat % | Fat # | Protein % | Protein # |
2023 | 06-00 Ext. | 305 346 | 2225# 2398# | 6.4% 6.4% | 140# 154# | 4.4% 4.5% | 98# 107# |
2024* | 7-00 | 278 | 2411# | 4.6% | 112# | 4.3% | 103# |
Herd #34-00-5007. Index #31.
Updated: 01/20/2025
*In Progress
Tricity earned her *M in all three categories (milk, butterfat, and protein) on our December 17, 2023 milk test. She is an AR (Advanced Registry) doe and all her bucklings will have their *B designation as long as their sire is a *B or +B.
2023: Tricity is listed at the 90th Percentile in her breed as of December 2023. Her littermate sister, Ecstatic, hit Elite Doe at the 95th Percentile in 2022 and 2023, so we are hopeful that Tricity may follow in her hoofprints. 🙂
2024: Tricity hit the August 2024 Elite doe list at 96th Percentile in her breed!
ADGA Pedigree
Photos of Tricity

Sire: SGCH ++*B J&R Spirit’s HT-K Kaitai **Elite Buck**
LA Score:
2011: 03-03 EX91 EEE
2016: 07-06 EX93 2E (Classification in Canada)
Kaitai descends from an extremely strong dam line that has continually proved itself across several different bloodlines and within many herds. Kaitai is a beautiful dairy buck who is tall, sharp, clean, long and level. He has straight forelegs and square set to his rear legs.
Kaitai is out of SGCH Desert-Willow KE CK Kailia 2*M. Kailia appraised at EX93 EEEE at eight years old! She also won 1st place Aged Doe at the 2009 National Show AND won Reserve Best Udder the same year (at 8 years old)!! The pictures below were taken at the 2009 National Show.
Visit this link to learn more about Kaitai!
To read more about Kailia, click here!

Dam: SG Land of Havilah ShekinahGlory 2*M
LA Score:
2010: 02-02 84 VV++
2011: 03-04 86 +V+E
2012: 04-03 VG88 VEVV
2013: 05-05 VG86 VEVV
2014: 06-02 VG88 VEVV
Shekinah was#2 on the State of Michigan 2013 DHIR Honor Roll for milk, butterfat & protein.
Shekinah earned SG status in September 2013.
She is long bodied, has nice leg placement and angulation. I really like how solid and long her body is, her ears are an improvement over her dam’s, as they go over an inch past her nose. She has a nice roman nose, and she is really smart, plus she’s very friendly and easy to work with. She excels in Dairy strength and was very good in Front and Rear Legs, Feet, Back, Rump, Udder Texture, General Appearance, Body Capacity, and Mammary.
Visit this link to learn more about Shekinah

Disease Test Results
Please visit our Biosecurity Test Results page to see our herdwide test results back to 2006.
Genetic Test Results
Here are the official test results straight from the lab. You can verify them yourself by clicking this link and inputting the case and report # (found in the pdf’s) to see the reports on the UC Davis (VGL) site.