Purebred Nubian doe
ADGA Genetics link: N002190272
ADGA Registration #PN2190272
AGS Registration #N-60791
AGS Awards:
VGL Case #AGS102
DOB: 05/29/2021
Sire: *B Land of Havilah ML Galaxy
Dam: Land of Havilah Only Imagine 4*M **Elite Doe**
Genetic Information
DNA Typed, Parent Verified
G6S: Normal (N/N) (by parentage)
Alpha S1 Casein: A/N
Scrapie Variant: NN/QQ
Linear Appraisal scores
2024: 03-03 84 VVVG
In 2024, as a first freshener, Harmony scored Very Good in Front and Rear Legs, Feet, General Appearance, Dairy Strength, and Body Capacity.
DHIR (Milk Test) Results
Year | Age | DIM | Milk # | Fat % | Fat # | Protein % | Protein # |
2024* | 02-11 | 207 | 1021# | 4.5% | 46# | 3.7% | 38# |
Herd #34-00-5007. Index #40.
Updated: 01/20/2025
*In Progress
Lactation in progress


Harmony’s sire is *B Land of Havilah ML Galaxy. We retained Galaxy as a Herd Sire in 2020. He is out of Land of Havilah ML Lilly 4*M and *B Land of Havilah TRC Midas. He has the qualities that I’ve been breeding for with a strong chine, level topline, very dairy skin texture, beautiful head and ears. Both his front and rear leg are set correctly. His front legs are straight from both front and side. I love the capacity he has even as a young buck. And his hairdo is rockin lol. I think he will be the biggest buck I have ever owned by the time he is mature. He passes his very dairy skin on to his kids, which promises excellent udder texture in his daughters.

Harmony’s dam is Land of Havilah Only Imagine 5*M. She is affectionately known as “Hershey” in the herd, as she was born in our candy bar theme year for barn names and Hershey stuck. 🙂
Hershey is out of an excellent cross of our lines with the AI sire we used in 2016 (Kaitai). Hershey is wide bodied and holds her weight and lactation very well without a large amount of grain. Her legs have correct balance and are straight both from the front and the side view. Her udder is socked on tight, but I’d like to see larger teats – I’m hoping that they will continue to increase in size with her second freshening. We dam raise, so the teats don’t get much chance to stretch out until we start separating kids at night – we didn’t do that much last year and I’ll need to do that sooner in her lactation this year to facilitate that. She is sweet natured and patient, which has made her a favorite with our family. She is also an excellent momma.
Disease Test Results
Please visit our Biosecurity Test Results page to see our herdwide test results back to 2006.
Genetic Test Results
Here are the official test results straight from the lab. You can verify them yourself by clicking this link and inputting the case and report # (found in the pdf’s) to see the reports on the UC Davis (VGL) site.