Our Goat Feeding Regimen – This includes detailed information regarding our feed mix recipe, sprouting procedure, how much we feed to each animal, and the herbs we top dress with.
Figure the Protein % of your mix – I teach you how to figure the protein % of your homemade feed mix.
Cleansing – You will hear me talk A LOT about Cleansing and Nourishing. This page covers the Cleansing portion.
Goat Minerals – This is the herbal mineral mix I use, this page also has information on Thorvin Kelp. 🙂 You will hear me talk A LOT about Cleansing and Nourishing. This is the Nourishing portion.
Copper & Cobalt Supplementation – This page lists the herbal copper & selenium supplements that I use, and why I prefer to use herbs for this.
Herbal Parasite Management – The herbal mix that we use to address parasites in our herd, and how we use it.
Goat Milking & Milk Handling – These are detailed steps on exactly how I handle the milk and prepare each doe for milking. This section includes an all natural Udder Wash/Teat Dip recipe!!
Drying Off Does – This is a question that I see pop up a lot, so I put this info on our page.
Pregnant Doe Care – This is what I do to care for our pregnant does. Includes herbal mix, deworming, checking for anemia, feeding, etc.
Preparing for Kidding – What to do to prepare for kidding, and the process of kidding out a doe.
Raising Goat Kids Naturally – This page covers how I raise my goat kids here at our farm: getting them to nurse their dam AND take a bottle, disbudding, tattooing, and addressing parasites, just to name a few.