DECEASED: May 18, 2017. Our sweet Tia crossed the Rainbow Bridge on Thursday, May 18th, 2017. A couple years ago, we retired her and she lived as a Lady of Leisure here at the farm. She blessed us with many wonderful kids, and we are so blessed to have her hang out and do as she pleased for the rest of her life on this Earth. We miss our sweet girl, but it is a comfort to know that she spent her last days doing what she loved and getting lots of hugs!
(pronounced Gu-la-tae-u) we call her “Tia”.
Purebred Nubian doe
DNA on file
DOB: 06/01/2005
Registration #N1429449
LA Score: 05-00 VG88 VEEV
We are giddy with delight to have this beautiful Lynnhaven doe at our farm! “Tia” is a beautiful black roan, white belted doe with amazing udder capacity! She has great attachment, teat placement needs to be more toward the center, but they are plumb and very easy to milk. She has HUGE, but tight, orifices that allow for lightening fast milk out.
Tia is a gentle, eager to please, sweet natured doe, and she passes that on to her kids.
Tia’s maternal granddam is GCH Lynnhaven E. Gwen, 9*M. On her other side she has SGCH Lynnhaven DHJ Summer Breeze, 6*M, as her paternal granddam, and Kastdemur’s Crown Explorer as her paternal grandsire.
Awards Earned:
2011: Tia was awarded her *M (milk star) in Milk pounds, butterfat and protein content! This allows her bucklings to be *B, as long as their sire qualifies! 😀
2010: Tia was awarded her *M (milk star) in butterfat content her first year on DHIR, she earned this honor and her *M on her 12/03/2010 milk test! 😀 NOTE: She is out of a doe line that has earned their stars for LOTS of generations. Tia’s dam, Lynnhaven J Goody 2 Shoes met the requirements to earn her star on a lactation in 2007, but she was not signed up under ADGA’s DHIR program, so she was not awarded her star (makes sense – this is an ADGA award). Tia should be a 11*M, but we had to start over again (*M) since her dam was not awarded her 10*M (was not signed up on ADGA DHIR).
2014: Tia was awarded her SG (Superior Genetics) designation!

6-year old, 5th freshener.
She appraised at 05-00 VEEV 88 in 2010.
She has tested negative for CAE, CL, Johne’s and Brucella on January 26, 2012 through WADDL. We test annually for CAE.
Tested G6S Normal on June 9th, 2011.

April 13th, 2009 – I milked Tia out last week in the morning (the only time I milk my “nursing does”), and she gave me 1 gallon for the morning milking!! YAY!!! Her kids (triplets this year) are with her during the day. They keep her “milked out”, so no PM milking till after they are weaned.