GI Back on Tract 16 oz (Digestive system support)

(10 customer reviews)


  • Formulated by our Certified Master Herbalist
  • Tested, packaged and labelled as a human Dietary Supplement
  • Suitable for all species
  • For internal and external use
  • Supports the kidneys and bloodstream
  • Supports and protects the liver
  • Soothes, supports, and heals the gastrointestinal (GI) tract
  • Supports the body in the removal of wastes and toxins
  • Absorbs and adsorbs toxins
  • Facilitates removal of heavy metals from the body
  • FREE online class included with purchase: Proper dosage, frequency, administration
  • Herbs in this mix are organic, organically grown non-gmo, or wildcrafted
  • Tested for identity, herbicides, pesticides, fungicides, and harmful microbes
  • No added fillers or excipients
  • Proudly made in the U.S.A.

In acute situations, it is a powerhouse in the fight against parasites when paired with our Parasite Formula! NOTE: The two mixes must be dosed at least an hour apart! (Give separately!)

Looking for your free class? Visit our Instructions page.


541 in stock


This mix has been carefully formulated by Kristie Miller, our Certified Master Herbalist

Have you been struggling with scours in your goat herd? An upset stomach in your dog or cat? Is your horse prone to “tummy troubles”? Did your goats break out and get into the feed room? THIS mix is a HUGE blessing in all those situations! It is safe for all species – even humans!

In acute situations, it is a powerhouse in the fight against parasites when paired with our Parasite Formula! NOTE: The two mixes must be dosed at least an hour apart! (Give separately!)

This powdered mix supports the kidneys and bloodstream, supports and protects the liver. Soothes, supports, and heals the gastrointestinal (GI) tract. Supports the body in the removal of wastes and toxins.

GI Back on Tract ingredients (proprietary blend):

  • Flax seed (organic)
  • Apple Pectin (organic)
  • Bentonite Clay (wildcrafted)
  • Psyllium (organic)
  • Slippery Elm (wildcrafted)
  • Marshmallow (wildcrafted)
  • Peppermint (organic)
  • Activated Charcoal (wildcrafted)
  • Milk Thistle (wildcrafted)
  • Lobelia (organic)
  • Burdock (wildcrafted)
  • Plantain (wildcrafted)

ALL ingredients are either organic, wildcrafted, or organically/naturally grown (Never GMO or sprayed).

Testing: This product was tested for and passed all our identity/herbicide/pesticide/fungicide, microbiological, and heavy metal testing protocols.

ALL ingredients must pass our stringent Quality Assurance Testing when they are sourced AND after the mix is created. We always test our Land of Havilah products for Heavy Metal/Leadthis is not a requirement, we invest in this extra step to provide you with the very best quality!

Hear from our Test farms!

We have a couple test farms have been blown away with the speed and efficacy of this mix!

Test Farm #1: Rachel S. – “We were a tester! One of our bucks had green gloppy poo. We put the GI Back on Tract in kelp and gave it to him. He went after it like crazy! The other goats were not interested, so he could get however much he needed. He soon had normal pellets. So impressed with this product! I will never be without it.”

Test Farm #2: Carie R. – “We have used [GI] Back on Tract (BoT) for multiple species. Our first patient was a Nigerian Dwarf doeling. She was rejected by her mom and was not given much chance of survival by the vet. She presented respiratory and tummy issues. I first started to get control by alternating drenching BoT and Parasite formula at recommended intervals. When things were more under control, we switched to mixing it with kelp free choice. Now all of our goats will dive in for it as they need it. BoT has saved our animals lives! Mini horse: Refused her hay and had digestive upset; resolved almost immediately. LaMancha Buck: ate too much grain and presented severe scours; resolved completely within 24 hours. Love this stuff and the Herbalist that goes with it.”

How it Works!

This formula is a very powerful and effective absorber and neutralizer, which allows it to absorb many times its weight in intestinal fecal matter and waste.

It is an excellent absorbing agent for toxins and poisons, such as drug residues, pesticides, insecticides and other harmful substances.

It is created to draw harmful substances out of the GI tract, including heavy metals and carcinogenic radioactive materials.

This formula is mucilaginous, which allows it to act as an “internal poultice”. This provides soothing and healing support for the mucous membrane lining of the entire intestinal tract.

  • No added Fillers or Synthetic Ingredients
  • In accordance with FDA guidelines, we are required to state that: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease.

Additional information

Weight 18 oz

10 reviews for GI Back on Tract 16 oz (Digestive system support)

  1. HAVMAID (verified owner)

    My story with GI BoT started with a 3 yr. old buck I recently purchased. He was skinny and showed signs of various health stresses. After putting him on my feeding regime he gained weight and grew a beautiful coat but the frothing at his mouth was one lingering symptom I could not figure out. Kristie suggested I try GI BoT. But, before my order of the GI BoT came in we had one of these crazy weather changes and he came down with severe scours and was super sick for about a week. I drenched him with the Parasite and GI blends each day after the order arrived. Within a few days he showed signs of improvement and by the end of the week he was nearly better. About a week later I noticed his mouth was clean with no signs of frothing!!! I had given him the Parasite blend multiple times before, when I first purchased him and then every full moon cycle, and had not seen any improvement with the frothing so I knew it had to be the GI BoT that had finally cleared it up. I now have the GI BoT and Parasite blends mixed each with kelp and offered free feeding to all my goats! To my surprise my does seemed to inhale the GI BoT /Kelp blend and I had to order more. Lol!! However, I feel they will slow down soon though and I’m very happy to have found a supplement that seems to be just what they all need!! Especially during these weird high/low weather changes and all the wet and cold/dampness that seems to be so hard on goats!! Thank you!!!!

  2. smbravo27 (verified owner)

    I will always have a bag of this blend in my goat closet! I love this for my bottle kids. It takes care of scours and upset tummies immediately and they even like the taste of the pinch in their mouth. I send small baggies home with every bottle kid I believe in it so much. I love that is is great for all tummy issues, parasite damage, constipation, diarrhea and scours. It’s the first thing I grab whether it’s a buck with pneumonia under stress or a bottle kid that is a bit constipated. This blend works super fast and is easy to administer. I’m so thankful to have it in my arsenal of herbals and medications for my herd.

  3. Carlaj5353 (verified owner)

    Coccidiosis hit our farm hard after the unusually wet Winter and early Spring. Our new buckling that we purchased was hit the hardest, followed by our most senior doe. Her fecal showed a strongyle overload too. While treating with the Parasite Dewormer [Parasite Formula], among several other extracts bought from LOH [Land of Havilah Herbals], we began using GI BoT [GI Back on Tract mix] for the first time on our farm. We alternated this with the Dewormer [Regular Parasite Formula] for several days. Once the scours stopped completely, we moved to only using GI BoT to help their rumens return to good health. Within a day of only using GI BoT, they had normal pellets! Our buckling went from looking like a pot bellied pig to a healthy looking baby goat in a matter of days thanks to the many products available from LOH [Land of Havilah Herbals]; specifically GI BoT. We recommended this product to our entire 4H Club!!

  4. Pam Burnham (verified owner)

    I have used this blend many times with our farm and will keep it on hand. It is wonderful for GI issues!
    I have used it to help with mild GI upset in my herd from early spring grasses. I mixed it with my kelp and left free choice for them to take as they needed.
    It was also very helpful late last year when several of my yearling does ate some vegetation that upset their rumens. The first doe I didn’t catch early and her rumen was shutting down. I took her to the vet…I had meds but wanted to try a natural approach first. I did a cud transfer and acute dosed her with the GI Back on Tract mix. We got her rumen back up and going by morning. I was so happy to see goat pellets 🙂 A few other doelings came down with similar symptoms but I caught it early and gave doses of GI Back on Tract and they bounced back very quickly! It’s been a blessing on our farm.

  5. Andrea (verified owner)

    This year I unexpectedly ended up with 2 bottle babies after their momma passed away. I struggled with scours for over a week. I tried Vitalerbs, LOH [Parasite Formula] and EO’s [essential oils]. Nothing really worked. I ordered Back on Tract and it was delivered within 4 days. 3 treatments and the scours were gone….and they never returned. I have even given samples out to my friends.

  6. Anita (verified owner)

    This has become a necessity on my farm! I will NOT be without it. I had a Nigerian doe down, she was bloated as we made the fresh spring green transition. I ran to the house quickly mixed a dose of GI BoT as a drench and dosed her. Within an hour she was up. Another dose that evening and she was normal. Babies that get runny poo…one dose they are fine. Myost dramatic use was with my LGDs who accidentally got into some rat poison. I started dosing them as soon as I realized what had happened. We NEVER EVEN HAD SYMPTOMS of being sick!!!! There is no way I can recommend this product enough! I have total confidence in it. It reduces my stress level because those pop-up surprise issues are no longer issues! I have a safe natural super effective treatment on hand for timely treatment. I don’t have to wait clumpy or runny poo out hoping it doesn’t get worse. I don’t have to stress a goat in chicken feed….I have an on hand natural healer that doesn’t cause side effects. It’s effective and simple to use. I simply will not be without it ever again.

  7. catherine salazar (verified owner)

    I love this product. I have used it many times for those who have GI issues but the one that stands out the most was a 2 month old doeling who got too much grain. She had watery scours, crying in pain, bloat. She was laying down and jumping back up…her tummy hurt! We gave a good dose of GI BoT and a digestive Ess. oil blend and within 30 minutes she was more relaxed. A second dose was given before bed and by morning she was chewing her cud and her bum was dry. I recommend this product every chance I get. Its good stuff!!

  8. Melina Anderson (verified owner)

    I had two calves that had been battling scours for weeks. It was awful and they were losing weight. I had the vet come out to check them and take a fecal sample…absolutely no parasites. He gave me some medication to firm them up, but I was reluctant to give it to them, so I ordered the GI formula to try first.
    After their first dose, their scours cleared right up! I gave them an additional dose for good measure, and we haven’t had any issues since that initial dose, and they have begun to put weight back on!! Thanks for a great formula!! I highly recommend it!

  9. cleanliving7

    We have used Back on Tract (BoT) for multiple species. Our first patient was a Nigerian Dwarf doeling. She was rejected by her mom and was not given much chance of survival by the vet. She presented respiratory and tummy issues. I first started to get control by alternating drenching BoT and Parasite formula at recommended intervals. When things were more under control, we switched to mixing it with kelp free choice. Now all of our goats will dive in for it as they need it. BoT has saved our animals lives! Mini horse: Refused her hay and had digestive upset; resolved almost immediately. LaMancha Buck: ate too much grain and presented severe scours; resolved completely within 24 hours. Love this stuff and the Herbalist that goes with it.

  10. farm

    We were a tester! One of our bucks had green gloppy poo. We put the GI Back on Tract in kelp and gave it to him. He went after it like crazy! The other goats were not interested, so he could get however much he needed. He soon had normal pellets. So impressed with this product! I will never be without it.

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