*ELITE DOE* (2022)
Purebred Nubian doe
ADGA Genetics link: N002175945
ADGA Registration #PN2175945
ADGA awards: 2*M, Elite (2022), AR
AGS Registration #N-60790
AGS awards: 2*D
VGL Case #ADG24729 & AGS122
DOB: 05/12/2021
AI Sire: +*B SG My-Enchanted-Acres LM Candyman *Elite Buck*
Dam: Land of Havilah MV Gloriole 1*M
LA: 02-01 VG88 VVVE
Classification: 02-01 EX90.5 (Excellent rating)
Genetic Information
DNA Typed, Parent Verified
G6S: Normal (N/N)
Alpha S1 Casein: A/A
Scrapie Variant: NN/QQ
Veri’s Progeny in our Herd
Veri stands out when you walk into the barn. She is absolutely stunning and her dark bay coloring is different from everyone else. Her sire certainly stamped her as his! She is growing fast and we bred her to kid as a yearling to avoid her getting over conditioned. Her front legs are straight when viewed from the front and the sides. Her rear leg angulation is very good. She has excellent breed character and beautiful, long, bell-shaped ears.
In 2022, Veritas scored Good Plus in Head, Front Legs, Rear Legs, Feet, Rump, General Appearance, Dairy Strength, and Mammary. That is a really good score for such a young doe and I’m really excited to watch her mature. Her final score was 01-04 83 ++G+. LA: September 20, 2022. (JW)
In 2023, Veritas scored Excellent in Mammary. Very Good in Head, Front Legs, Rear Legs, Back, Rump, General Appearance, Dairy Strength, and Body Capacity. Her final score was 02-01 VG88 VVVE. LA: June 13, 2023. (DL)

Linear Appraisal Scores
2022: 01-04 83 ++G+ (September 20) (JW)
2023: 02-01 88 VVVE (June 13) (DL)
AGS Classification Scores
We also participate in the American Goat Society’s Classification program. In classification, an animal is given a final percentage score based on 100 being perfect. In addition, each area of the animal is evaluated and assigned points based on how close that part comes to being ideal. For example, if an animal is given four (4) points out of the allotted five (5) on teats, that is 80%, and the owner knows that the teats on that animal are only 80% of the ideal. The Classifier inputs the score of each area of the body into an app on their phone. After they finish, the program calculates the final score, which the Classifier tells you right away. AGS sends you the score breakdown via email within a day or two, but I had my score breakdown much faster than that. The following pdf is the score breakdown.
2023: 02-01 Excellent (EX) 90.5
DHIR (milk test) Results
Year | Age | DIM | Milk # | Fat % | Fat # | Protein % | Protein # |
2022 | 1-00 | 299 | 1527# | 5.0% | 77# | 4.3% | 65# |
2023 | 1-11 Ext. | 305 314 | 1708# 1732# | 4.5% 4.6% | 77# 79# | 3.9% 3.9% | 67# 68# |
2024* | 02-11 | 256 | 2111# | 4.9% | 103# | 4.2% | 88# |
Herd #34-00-5007. Index #29.
Updated: 01/20/2025
* In Progress
Veri is on the Elite Doe list released in August of 2022! She is in the 97th percentile in the nation for her breed!
Veri earned her *M in all three categories (milk, butterfat, and protein) on her first lactation as a young yearling. She is an AR (Advanced Registry) doe and all her bucklings will have their *B designation as long as their sire is a *B or +B.

Veri’s sire is +*B SG My-Enchanted-Acres LM Candyman, LA: 4-03 EX91 EEE, Elite Buck.
We are so excited to add Candyman’s bloodlines to our herd using AI, and the breeding to Glory gave us our stunning doeling, Veritas!
Wingwood Farm provided this description of him and his progeny:
Candyman is long bodied, showing lots of width throughout especially in the loin, with correct feet and legs. He was twice champion and once best buck in show as a yearling buck. His daughters are tremendously dairy with beautiful rump and hind end structure, and they exhibit an amazing will to milk. Candyman has proved himself to be a buck of the highest quality in a very short period of time. With his oldest progeny only two years old at that point, he was #2 on the 2019 ADGA August ELITE list and was sire of the both the 1st place Junior and Senior Gets-of Sire at the 2019 ADGA National Show.

LA: 4-03 EX91 EEE, Elite Buck
Reference and photo courtesy of Wingwood Farm
Veri’s dam is Land of Havilah MV Gloriole 1*M. Glory is a gorgeous doe with so many fantastic qualities! She has the softest udder texture that I have ever encountered (and 6 out of 7 of our does scored an Excellent in Udder Texture at our 2019 Linear Appraisal!)
Glory is excellent in Udder Texture, Rear Legs, and Dairy Strength; and very good in Head, Shoulder Assembly, Front Legs, Feet, Rump, General Appearance, and Body Capacity. (LA: September 14, 2019)

Disease Test Results
Please visit our Biosecurity Test Results page to see our herdwide test results back to 2006.
Genetic Test Results
Here are the official test results straight from the lab. You can verify them yourself by clicking this link and inputting the case and report # (found in the pdf’s) to see the reports on the UC Davis (VGL) site.